Write an Application to the Chairman for Construct a bridge over the canal.

23 April 2020
The Chairman,
Agla Union Parishad,
Nawab gonj, Dhaka.

Subject: Application for constructing a bridge.

I, on behalf of all the people of our locality, beg to  state that Agla our locality is  a developing locality. Many people of our locality try hard to change their lot by working hard. We dream of a better future. But it is a matter of great regret, that we can not get proper support from the Govt. We are suffering for many years for Ichamati Bridge. The bridge can change our economy as well as our lot. So, we are badly in need of the bridge. 

May I there fore, pray  and hope  that you  would be kind enough to grant our prayer  and oblige thereby.

Your Sincerely, 
On behalf of all the people of Agla.

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