Business Communication, BBA 2nd Year


Introduction to Communication

Types and Methods of Communication

Major Media of Written Communication-Letter, Memo & Report


Major Media of  Oral Communication-Speech, Face-to-Face Conversation, Interview & Meeting

Non-Verbal Communication

Internal Organizational Communication

Electronic Communication

Communication Skills

Business Report Writing

Letter Writing


Introduction to Communication

Meaning of communication:
Communication is the  transfer of information from a sender to a receiver, with the information  being understood  by the  receiver. 

_Weihrich and  Koontz

According to Newstrom and Davis, "Communication is  the transfer of information from one person to another person. It is  a way of  reaching  others by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings and values. 

Meaning of Business Communication:

Business communication is a special branch of  general communication. When communication takes place  between two  or more parties concerning  business affairs, it is  known as business communication. 

In fact, communication is the  life-blood  of business and management process. No business can operate  even a day without communication.   

In the  opinion of  W.H. Meaning, "The  exchange  of ideas, news and  views in connection with the  business among  the  related parties is called business communication."

Elements of Business Communication

The success of  busimess communication depands on some  elements.  The  elements are discussed in short below:

1. Two or more  parties: Business communication must involve at least two parties. One  party acts as the sender of message and  another is the receiver  of that message.

2. Meaningful message: The second importent element of communication is message or information that the sender wants to communicate. 


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